Publications (Publication List on Google Scholar)

Submitted/In preparation

  1. Se-Ho Lee, Keunsoo Koh, and Seung-Wook Kim, "Image enhancement based on pigment representation," 2025 (In revision).
  2. Seung-Wook Kim, Seongyeol Kim, Jiah Kim, Seowon Ji, and Se-Ho Lee, "FedWSQ: Efficient federated learning with weight standardization and distribution-aware non-uniform quantization," 2025 (Submitted),
  3. Min-Yeong Kim, Keunsoo Koh, and Se-Ho Lee, "Reference-guided transformer for face super-resolution," 2025 (In preparation).
  4. Seung-Wook Kim, Keunsoo Koh, and Se-Ho Lee, "Effective federated learning with weight standardization," 2025 (In preparation).
  5. Seunghun Ok, Seung-Wook Kim, and Se-Ho Lee, "AVD-Net: Adaptive video demoiréing network using spectral-spatial aware alignment," 2025 (In preparation).
  6. Duong Hai Nguyen, Se-Ho Lee, and Chul Lee, "Self-negative contrastive learning for high-resolution moiré decomposition," 2025 (In preparation).

Journal Articles

  1. Chi-Hun Sung, Seong-Yeol Kim, Ho-Ju Shin, Se-Ho Lee*, and Seung-Wook Kim*, "Enhanced blur-robust monocular depth estimation via self-supervised learning," Electronics Letters, vol. 60, Nov., 2024,
  2. Se-Ho Lee and Seung-Wook Kim, "DCPNet: Deformable control point network for image enhancement," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 104, pp.104308, Oct., 2024,
  3. Duong Hai Nguyen, Se-Ho Lee, and Chul Lee, "Multiscale coarse-to-fine guided screenshot demoiréing," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 30, pp. 898-902, Jul. 2023,
  4. Se-Ho Lee and Seung-Wook Kim, "Dual-branch vision transformer for blind image quality assessment," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 94, pp. 103850, Jun. 2023,
  5. Se-Ho Lee, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Superpixels for image and video processing based on proximity-weighted patch matching," Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 79, pp. 13811-13839, Feb. 2020,
  6. Se-Ho Lee, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Tracking-by-segmentation using superpixel-wise neural network," IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 54982-54993, Sep. 2018,
  7. Se-Ho Lee, Je-Won Kang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Compressed domain video saliency detection using global and local spatiotemporal features," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 35, pp. 169-183, Feb. 2016,

Conference Papers

  1. Se-Ho Lee, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Temporal superpixels based on proximity-weighted patch matching," in Proc. ICCV, Venice, Italy, Oct. 2017.
  2. Chang-Su Kim, Whan Choi, and Se-Ho Lee, "Video codec classification for video bitstreams," in Proc. ITC-CSCC, Busan, Korea, Jul. 2017.
  3. Se-Ho Lee, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Contour-constrained superpixels for image and video processing," in Proc. CVPR, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jul. 2017.
  4. Se-Ho Lee, Won-Dong Jang, Byung Kwan Park, and Chang-Su Kim, "RGB-D image segmentation based on multiple random walkers," in Proc. ICIP, Phoenix, Arizona, Sep. 2016.
  5. Se-Ho Lee, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "RGB-D image segmentation based on random walk with restart," in Proc. International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, Busan, Korea, Jan. 2016.
  6. Se-Ho Lee, Jin-Hwan Kim, Kwang Pyo Choi, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Video saliency detection based on spatiotemporal feature learning," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Paris, France, Oct. 2014.
  7. Se-Ho Lee, Tae-Young Chung, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Efficient depth map recovery using concurrent object boundaries in texture and depth images," in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct. 2013.
  8. Se-Ho Lee, Seong-Gyun Jeong, Tae-Young Chung, and Chang-Su Kim, "Real-time acquisition and representation of 3D environmental data," in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Hollywood, CA, Dec. 2012.

Domestic Papers

  1. 옥승헌, 이승찬, 박재민, 이세호, "특징 변환 기반의 전역 영상 화질 개선 기법," 대한전자공학회 2023년도 하계종합학술대회, 2023, 6월.
  2. 정혜린, 이세호, "비전 트랜스포머 기반의 영상 화질 개선 방법," 대한전자공학회 2023년도 하계종합학술대회, 2023, 6월.
  3. 이선호, 김지수, 이세호, 김창수, "그래프 간 정합을 이용한 포인트 클라우드 시퀀스 압축," 2018 한국방송미디어공학회 하계학술대회, 2018, 6월.
  4. 박준흠, 허육, 이세호, 김창수, "JPEG 양자화 테이블 복원 기법," 2018 한국군사기술학회 종합학술대회, 2018, 6월.
  5. 김지수, 이선호, 이세호, 김창수, "공간적 분포 정보를 이용한 3D 포인트 클라우드 압축," 2018 한국방송미디어공학회 하계학술대회, 2018, 6월.
  6. 이선호, 진동권, 이세호, 김창수, "적응적 팔진 트리 기반 3D 포인트 클라우드 압축," 제 30회 영상처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵, 2018, 2월.
  7. 문주혁, 최환, 이세호, 장원동, 김창수, "3D CNN 기반 전립선 MRI 영상 분할 기술," 2017 한국방송미디어공학회 하계학술대회, 2017, 6월.
  8. 이세호, 김세훈, 김창수, "대조비 기반의 중요도 검출 기법," 제 27회 영상처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵, 2015, 2월.
  9. 이세호, 김진환, 김창수, "희귀도 기반의 중요도 검출 기법," 한국방송공학회 추계학술대회, 2013, 11월.
  10. 이세호, 정성균, 정태영, 김창수, "3차원 데이터를 이용한 실내 공간 표현 기법," 한국방송공학회 하계학술대회, 2012, 7월.
  11. 이세호, 정태영, 김창수, "입체감을 보존하는 스테레오 영상의 크기 조정 기법," 한국방송공학회 추계학술대회, 2011, 11월.

International Granted Patents

  1. Seho Lee, Dong Kyung Nam, and Seok Lee, "Image restoration method and device, " Patent No. US 12073534 B2, Aug. 2024.
  2. Seho Lee, Seok Lee, and Deokyoung Kang, "Method and device for restoring image obtained from array camera, " Patent No. US 11734877 B2, Aug. 2023.
  3. Seho Lee, Yang Ho Cho, and Deokyoung Kang, "Method and apparatus for restoring image, " Patent No. US 11663691 B2, May. 2023.
  4. Seho Lee, Dong Kyung Nam, and Seok Lee, "Image restoration method and device, " Patent No. US 11651475 B2, May 2023.
  5. Seho Lee, Yang Ho Cho, and Deokyoung Kang, "Method and apparatus for restoring image, " Patent No. EP 3816929 B1, Nov. 2022.

Korean Granted Patents

  1. 김세훈, 최원희, 김창수, 이세호, 고영준, 김영배, "영상 개선 장치 및 영상 개선 방법," Patent No. 10-2055253, Dec. 2019.
  2. 박병관, 김창수, 장원동, 이세호, 김영배, "다중 랜덤 워크 기반의 영상 분할 방법 및 장치," Patent No. 10-1934358, Dec. 2018.
  3. 곽영진, 김창수, 이세호, 김대희, 김진환, 최광표, 고영준, 이철우, "영상 데이터 처리 방법 및 디바이스, " Patent No. 10-1585059, Jan. 2016.